

- Media technologies coming together and performing similar tasks 
- Hardware's capability to do more than before 

How do you consume media through smartphone: 
Through social media apps/ news apps etc providing stories and advertisements. 

How do you produce media through smartphone: 
Through apps such as photoshop/ websites/ marketing on instagram etc.

 Annotations on phone:
 Camera- take pictures for soocial media
Screen- go onto apps 

Digital technology from range of sectors on phone: 
- Games 
-Camera recording 
- Music apps e.g spotify etc 
- Photo editing apps 
- Docs 
- Weather 
- News app 
- TV , films youtube etc)

How do the feature on phone link to any 5 sectors of the media: 
Music company using their apps on smartphones for people to listen to music- the advantages of this are to promote their brand and bring social networking converging with music. 

What are the Advantages of convergence? 
- Advantages of convergence is the cross link brands onto different platforms in order for people to be accessable to the brand. Convergence saves time,energy and money.

Marketing using technological convergence allows companies to cross promote their brands on different technology. For example, marketing spotify on adverts on your phone helps the brand get seen by an audience who use social media and allows them to download the app from their phone. It saves time as it helps to bring the product to the target audience without having to put effort into marketing the product directly. 

Key Terms:
  • Interactivity: The ways in which producers/ a product and a consumer works together. This includes the level of control the consumer has over the product, whether or not users can generate original content, the use of web-links, uploads/downloads, texting, emailing, or 'red button' functions to bring the consumer closer to the product. 
  • Personalisation: the ways in which the product can be made personal to the consumer. This could be done through logging/singing in, adapting interfaces, font features or music playlists.
  • immediacy: the speed at which audiences can consume digital media products
  • access: the restrictions (or lack thereof) put on digital media products
  • convenience: the ease at which a product can be accessed. this can include whether or not a digital media product is free, cheap, global, national, local, user friendly etc.
  • portablitlty: the flexibility and movement associated with a digital product (i.e can the product be carried around with the use in their handbag)
  • connectivity: the extent to which a product allows users to be linked to the global village or to be part of a digital community, social network, virtual reality etc
Digital technologies are changing the ways in which advertising and marketing, films, television shows, and games are being produced, distributed and consumed.e.g The old 35mm films will end up in museums with cheaper digital downloads offering an immersive experience far greater than before on new digital screens in multiplexes. New audiences are being created due to the new 3D format. 

e.g A digital SLR - once only used by only professionals - now you can buy one in Marks and Spencers Software is the same, HD content can now be be edited on your home PC using off the shelf software. 
What it means is that the content that people share across the fast networks for others to watch when they want can be great quality. 


  1. Hi Lexie,

    This appears unfinished, here's what's missing:

    1. Annotated image of your phone

    2. The other sectors of media the phone features link to

    3. The explanation of convergence for the other stages of media

    4. Some notes from the BFI Pdf.

    Please get these done and you will have completed your prep work. Great effort thus far.


    Mr H

    1. 1)donee- I couldnt annotate on blogger so I wrote beside my annotations
      2)Iv written the other sectors they link to beside the phone
      3)I dont understand what this means.
      4) What's the BFI pdf?


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